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Raise letter requests from ESS portal

Updated in July-2024 | Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

Raising a letter request refers to the process of formally requesting a document for a specific action, information, or assistance.

The Document Center page in the greytHR ESS portal displays all the documents and letters related to you, such as previous employment information, qualifications, payslips, company forms, and Form 16. The page helps you to request various types of letters such as address proof, confirmation, and designation change.

To view the Document Center page, click Document Center.

Raise letter request

The option of requesting a letter is available for you only if it is opted for by your company. To raise a letter request, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Document Center page, under Request, click View All. The Letters page opens.

  2. Under the Request Letter tab, under the Apply tab, you can view the New Request form. 

  3. From the Letter type dropdown list, select the required letter type.

  4. From the Priority dropdown list, select the urgency of generating the letter. 

  5. In the Reason text box, specify the reason for raising the required letter. 

  6. Click Submit to raise the request for the required letter.

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