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Review team member’s resignation requests

Updated in September-2024 | Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to vide

Receiving a formal resignation is important when an employee decides to leave the organization. It helps both the manager and the employee plan for a smooth transition. This process ensures clarity, respect, and proper handling of all exit formalities.

A resignation is a formal notice where the employee voluntarily informs the manager of their intention to leave.

The Review screen in the greytHR Mobile application allows you as a manager to easily review, approve, or revoke your team member’s resignation requests. You can also view the pending resignation requests in the Review - Resignation widget on your Home screen.

Accept/Revoke team member’s resignation requests

To review your team member's resignation request, perform the following actions:

  1. From the greytHR Mobile application, navigate to Explore > To Do > Review > Resignations. Alternatively, tap the Review > Resignations widget on the Home screen.
    Note: You can also view the total number of resignation requests mentioned on the card.

  2. On the Review screen, tap the required resignation request card. The Active and Closed tabs appear.

  3. Under the Active tab, select the required team member’s resignation request card.

  4. Tap the Revoke Resignation/Accept & Forward Resignation button to accept/revoke the resignation request. 

  5. Tap Confirm to accept/revoke the request.

Note: You can also view all the revoked/accepted/forwarded/withdrawn requests under the Closed tab.

Change team member’s Last Working Day (LWD) for resignation

To change the team member’s Last Working Day (LWD) for resignation, perform the following actions:

  1. From the greytHR Mobile application, navigate to Explore > To Do > Review > Resignations. Alternatively, tap the Review > Resignations widget on the Home screen.
    Note: You can also view the total number of resignation requests mentioned on the card.

  2. On the Review screen, tap the required resignation request card. The Active and Closed tabs appear.

  3. Under the Active tab, select the required team member’s resignation request card and tap . The View Details screen opens.

  4. Scroll down, under the Add Details section, tap the Approved LWD dropdown calendar, and select a date to change the Last Working Day (LWD) as per your requirements.

  5. In the Remarks for Employee textbox, add remarks for the employee, if any.

  6. In the Remarks for Next Reviewer textbox, add remarks for the next-level reviewer.

  7. Tap Revoke or Accept & Forward the resignation request. 

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